Monday, August 13, 2012

tattoo garden we sold 3 at our booth !!
vintage gold with fbubble style !!!! 
you can follow us : f_bubble 
girls are rocking it this ramadan with our production get our fbubble today 
get it today update us kay fever .
our zaray get it  today update us .you can get it . limtted numbers . 
we reached to Kuwait get your fbubble now !!! before its out of stock 
our tea-cup skirt 
our kay fever get them today we have different colors 
you can get our collection by adding us on your bb pin limited numbers : add us on your bb pin number :25e4d599
or call us on 0507098797
you can get our ramadan collection / eid collection .get them now !!! 
you can get today just updates on our information .
our tea-cup inspirtion you can get them today just updates on our information . only two  
our tv inspiration  ruffles  was sold at our booth we had only 2 .
our butterfly butter was sold-out at our booth we had limited  numbers 3 only different colors 
our crazy frog short version avialble now